
And The Winner Is Super Bowl Xli And that way! It was incredible as Peyton Manning guided the Colts to the Championship final. The Sunday night in the dispute for the AFC title and a ticket from entrance to the Miami final, Manning won a spectacular victory over the New England Patriots in their own stadium. The team was losing by 18 points in the second quarter and coming to the end of the last fourth Manning made a super move from 80 yards that led to the unexpected victory of 38-34 to ensure them a field in the Super Bowl. On the other hand, that can be said of the Bears who also made a superb entry and well deserved to the Super Bowl this is the first time the team arrives at the Super Bowl since 1985. Although the Bears kept a good marker all season not expected much from them and in the Party on Sunday took advantage of the Saints with a 39-14 victory. The team knew how to take advantage of every opportunity to secure your ticket to Miami. This year's Championship is extraordinary in the sense that a new bookmark will be established with regard to the coaches. Both coaches are African-American, Tony Dungy of the Colts and Lovie Smith of the Bears, and it is the first time that an African American coach leads his team to the Super Bowl. It is not only the first time that an African American leads his team to the final, but will also be the first time an African American coach to win the Super Bowl. Super Bowl XLI is scheduled for Sunday, February 4, 2007 at 6: 25 in the evening Eastern time and Miami will be partying while you play the Super Bowl number 41 the Dolphins Stadium in Miami Gardens,...
Putting Your Home What Is Sick? Toxic Hazards And How To Avoid Unfortunately, the amount and convenience have replaced the quality and safety in many areas of our lives - including our food, toiletries, cleaners and even our homes. That leaves us vulnerable and exposed to toxic materials at work, school and at home. The news are filled with reports of problematic food additives and chemicals in the buildings. Health problems are emerging, and while the individual investigations are in progress, raises an important question: how healthy is my environment? Many spent hours in and probably have not considered the range of potential pollutants found in these indoor environments, including: gases emitted from carpets, paintings of air conditioning systems, dust mites, fungi, bacteria , pet allergies, smoke, viruses and poor ventilation - that may contribute to an array of health problems now labeled as "sick building syndrome." symptoms include unexplained fatigue, headaches, and breathing difficulties. According to the Environmental Protection Agency of USA, the "sick building syndrome" describes situations in which building occupants experience acute health effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be diagnosed. Some of these symptoms can become chronic conditions if not treated. Fortunately, simple things you can do at home to improve air quality and diminish the symptoms. 7 precautions at home not to forget "FILTERS Disgusting? Avoid breathing problems checking your air filters often and replace as recommended by the manufacturer. If your filters are not blocked, you may have ventilation problems. AC "OKAY? Check your air conditioning and ventilation system to know if there is breakage or leakage. Make sure your filter is fastened securely on all edges and there are no gaps around them. MOVEMENT! Improve air circulation occasionally airing the house on dry days. Allergy sensitive individuals may want to isolate the...

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