
Calorie Consumption The problem is that when is too restricted calories that are ingested is slows down the metabolism and this makes more difficult still to achieve weight loss. This is one of the reasons why it is suggested that you not decrease daily calories on an excessive amount if you want to keep long term weight reduction. On the other hand, when you have excess calories above your body's energy he is needed, then the calories will be stored as fat. You may now be aware that to get the right caloric intake levels to be able to lose weight should not restrict too much calories. Your daily calorie intake required depends on a number of different factors such as weight, age, gender and lifestyle. A more active person needs more calories due to the fact that burning them quickly in the course of the day. Another point to consider is to identify your objective: want a diet for kept? to lose weight? or to gain weight? On average every half kilo of weight your body represents approximately 3500 calories. Based on this measure, you need to reduce your calorie intake by 3500 calories, this is a Big Mac per week to lose half a kilo. Making diet only, you can see that it will not be possible to lose half a kilo per day unless, of course, you already have a considerable intake of calories and the reduction will leave you with enough food and nutrition to stay healthy. Vitamins can undoubtedly help to compensate for the shortcomings of nutrition. Reducing 100 calories per day throughout the year, it would have consumed 36,500 fewer calories and as a result is a reduction in weight of almost 5 kg. This will achieve a reduction in weight with very few changes in...
Ecological Awareness As ecological awareness is going to impose between the population (a process slow but we believe that inexorable) emerging alternatives to try to make our day more respectful as possible to the environment. Ultimately, our actions are sustainable. And in this sense, the newspapers, that we carry every day, are the most important. That is why that seemingly innocent action put our purchase in a plastic bag, but majority, is in decline. Against this option arise other alternatives, such as cloth bags. We know that when it comes to recycling, plastic bag is a problem, then that tax to its distribution with the intention of encouraging their use have been implemented in some countries (such as Ireland or Hong Kong) (something that in Ireland, for example, has managed it to make). So whereas alternatives, they are more sustainable and that, of course, we are just as useful. As we said, this is the case of cloth bags. Thanks to the material that are made, allow us to reuse them many more times than the plastic. The latter end up breaking just we have used them a few times (and sometimes even before). However, the fabric, we can use it again and again, hundreds of times. Clear, this last point is important to keep this in mind to adequately weigh the price of ones and others. Cloth bags cost more than the plastic, is true, but can be used many times. And, of course, they are greener. On the other hand, and although not seem to some people an argument in its favour, in this world of today where things increasingly last less, even personal relationships seem to be throwaway, we think it is good idea start changing this trend to temporality. Of course that by using a cloth bag or...

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