General information, considerations increasingly more determined as the dynamics of markets in the economic scenario of the countries on this planet Earth, has led to significant transformations in the role of markets leading to that modern management is more integrated with commercial features occurring today in the operability of the activities of markets. This aspect may not be evaded by any school administration, committed particularly in the provision of knowledge favouring market planning in the present, especially in a country like Venezuela, which is facing great challenges, threats, but opportunities which requires that the management of markets, is a real endorsement in the operation of a management capable of bringing about the changes, transformations, enabling companies to venture into competitiveness, with plans, programs of markets that ensure, conquest, permanence and satisfaction to their consumers. The schools of administration, especially its postgraduate courses in management, with mention markets, must provide to the professionals who choose to obtain that degree, knowledge, tools of modern markets, where traditional functions have been modified, requiring another vision, new knowledge, for example, those who operate properly regards mix of markets, segmentation, distribution and consumer behaviour especially logistics. Currently, management before the dynamics of changes in marketing, offer products with new attributes, requires knowing identify new consumers who today more that have never seen their needs have been changed, as you have been given artificial step, needs that many products have developed them, and this requires that management markets will enter know catalogue themLearn about their behaviour, their characteristics. The specialty program of graduate of management of the quality and productivity of the Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, Faces has given much importance to the study of the consumer behavior, especially the Venezuelan who has suffered major changes in their behavior, more when many products imported from industrialized countries have conquered the national field, moved to products manufactured in the country, leading to the consumer to identify with them, up to become dependent upon, affecting domestic firms, which many still suffer from serious problems in the quality of their products, the role that these play in relation to environmental pollution who are the lohas consumers? There is a definition that contains consumers worried about the environment, wishing that the manufacture of the products that they purchase does not cause damage to the ecological system nor abuse of child labour or the cheap labor.
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