
Cerqueira Images According to Sontag (2003) cited in Cerqueira (2007), the incessant flow of images (television, video, cinema) constitutes our surrounding way, but when it is treated to remember, the photograph wounds deeper. The memory congeals the picture; its basic unit is the isolated image. In an age overloaded of information, the photograph offers a fast way to apprehend something and a compact form to memorize it. On the basis of this affirmation perceives that the not verbal aspects are also of great importance in the daily one of the people, and the photograph is inserted it in the layer of a compact disc or in other ways, it has great importance in the communicative process and the transmission of felt messages and. Justifying these consideraes on the values of the photograph, Cerqueira (2007) adds that: ' ' To face speech, exclusively, as verbal and verbal activity is a serious deceit. Not-verbal aspects of the language, specifically the images, are objects of symbolic consumption e, consequently, generators of sentidos' '. For this production of felt the churches they are used of the images to treat its messages and to display through the same ones what consumer of the symbols must be spread out in the society, this goes to react of some sensible forms and what it will be displayed to it. For Martino (2003, P. 21) the institutions, in the way social: ' ' ... Is always objective. The individuals exist for all. It, and same acts independently of the will of who is exterior of its participants who do not have the decision power. By the way, nothing it can oppose itself seno another one instituio' '. The author still adds that ' ' ... The coercitive power also shows in the maintenance of its internal order and in the...
Socialism War For Joo Peter, Che always defended the complete integration of the controllers with the population, preventing demaggicos populismos. He denounced fetiche of the consumerism, defended with ardor the necessity to all raise permanently the level of knowledge and culture of the people. Therefore Cuba was the first one to eliminate the illiteracy, and in Latin America to reach the biggest index of superior education. For everything this, we must believe the Che, and today to reverenciar the Che, is above all to cultivate these values of the practical revolutionary who it left in them as legacy. A time that already we saw to the two vises on who will have been Ernest Guevara, is important to analyze a writing of the proper Che where it it detaches the reason of practical its in the spreading of the Socialism in America: ' ' All our action is an shout of war against the imperialism and a outcry for the unit of the peoples against the great enemy of the human sort: the United States of the North America. In any place that the death surprises in them, that she is welcome, whenever this, our shout of war, has fond until a receptive ear, and another hand if extends to empunhar our weapons, and other men if give to entoar the sorry cantos with booms of machine guns and new shouts of war and vitria' '. Valley to point out that in History it does not have an absolute truth, for the opposite always has three truths: of the historian, and of who it commits and it suffers the action, that is, if to analyze the Discovery of Brazil, will have the version of the colonizador, the native and the historian. Being this result of the point of view of each one....

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