
Basis Sales Some thoughts can be amiable, loving and optimistic, other estresantes, limitors and pessimists. And they are these last those that they prevent us to be happy and for living totally. Often we lived on the basis of thoughts and beliefs that we have learned from limitor children, thoughts, fear and paradigms and that we have given by seated, like absolute truths and which we have not questioned it stops to verify its veracity. While we create in them, we also lived on the basis of them. I invite to you to that you pay attention to your thoughts, to the thoughts that go up to around your head and to see as they take to you to live the life on an amiable, trusting and optimistic way or to live the life with fear and limitations. For example, recently it was with an equipment of sales that thought to be the newest company in its sector it was an obstacle to achieve its objectives of sales. Once we identified this limitor belief, we began to question it with the following questions 1. It is that truth? It is truth that to be a new company is an obstacle for its sales? The answer initially was if. 2. We continue investigating and I asked to them if they could know that was truth with absolute certainty that to be new it was an obstacle for its sales. They began to doubt, could not be totally safe of this 3. I asked to them how they felt when they were in front of the client and thought that to be new it was an obstacle. How they treated its clients when they had that thought. They explained me that they felt uncertain, to the defensive, went with a pessimistic idea of the...
Individualism The Individualism and its Challenges Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History and Bachelor in law; After Graduated History and Social Construction; Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education Summary the individualism in our society is excellent factor for the increase of the violence and crime. In this direction, the individualism has that to be faced as a problem of all, since it affects until the economic growth and politician of our country. How to face the individualism? It is the great challenge of time. Words Keys Man, Society, Family, Work, Consumerism the individualism, is one of the characteristics of the after-modern society, never stows with as much lack of human heat, as in the current days. The violence index, the conjugal crises, the lack of citizenship and other values that had been always cultivated by the civilizations through the times is if losing with modernity. From the second half of century XX, the industrial society of service and of consumption suffers great transformations, one of the factors that take the disordered growth of the cities and the migration of the peasants for the great centers. The coming on a large scale of the sertanejos for the capitals, mainly So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro having as justification the escape of the misery regions as the northeast, many had come to run away from dry and in search of better conditions of life. Cities are constructed without one inflate structure and without a planning, with lack of education and health since the power I publish has other priorities, as for example the growth of economic. ' ' The community established itself in elementary necessities, the economy age of local type. Patriarcais and matriarcais, very little values had been cultivated had one high level of escolarizao, being the mass consisting of illiterates. The...

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