This process guarantees to the manufacturers very bigger sales of its products, allowing continuous magnifying of the industrial installations. In its book, the Environment in Debate, White affirms that: ' ' The consumerism does not generate only the decurrent ambient impacts of the increasing necessity of energy and the proper industrial process, but it is cause of another serious problem: the exhaustion of the natural resources you did not renew, that is, those that a time consumed cannot again be restituted, as, for example, the oil and the ores in general ' '. The primary causes of problems as the increase of the poverty, the degradation ambient human being and the violence can be identified in the model of dominant civilization, that if bases on superproduction and overconsumption for ones and subconsumo and lack of conditions to produce on the part of the great majority. We stand out that they are inherent to the crisis, the erosions of the basic values, alienation and not the participation of almost the totality of the individuals in the construction of its future. It is basic that the community plans and implements its proper alternatives to the effective politics. Amongst these alternatives it is to the necessity of abolition of the programs of development, adjustments and economic reforms that keep the current model of growth with its terrible effect on the environment and the diversity of species, including the human being. We consider that the ambient education must generate with urgency changes in the quality of life and greater conscience of personal behavior, as well as harmony between the human beings and of these with other forms of life. Fritjof Capra argues that the children have a basic paper in the construction of the future and the school is plus a responsible Institution in sensetizing them to take decisions important, established in respect, solidarity, cooperation principles and responsibility Is basic to take the children to understand that the world is one and is only linked, therefore, the ambient problems are universal and all must be worried about them, therefore all usufruct the same resources as air, the water, the power plants.
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